Groundwater Exploration using Geophysical Method

Malaysia have 63.5 billion m3 groundwater storage (NAHRIM,2016). The groundwater storage (aquifers) can be classified into several categories which are aquifers in alluvial deposits, aquifers in limestone, aquifers in sedimentary or volcanic rocks and aquifers in igneous rocks. 

Generally, the aquifers can be in alluvial layers or hard rocks.

The demand for fresh water relatively increases from year to year. As the surface water always facing many problems like polluted with domestic waste, depleted during dry season, contaminated with  industrial waste and many others. 

Therefore, the groundwater is the best alternative for these problems.


Which Geophysical Method ?

Electrical Resistivity Imaging (E.R.I) and Induced Polarization techniques will image the subsurface (ground) until certain depth. 

The product or result produced by these techniques are presented in coloured contour profile (see Example diagram). 

The profile showing the variations in term of resistivity and chargeability of the ground.

As our target is groundwater, groundwater will show low resistivity values compared to background values (in most cases). 

From here, experienced geophysicist will interprets the aquifer zone and recommend the suitable location for tube well drilling and construction.

pseudo section gw

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